Sunday, September 21, 2014

Verde Railroad Trip

Did not take this, but this is the Verde Canyon RR


On the bus ride to Clarksdale to board the Verde Canyon Railroad!! Choo-chooo

Waiting to board and hanging out with friends

Looking at the train ready to get on board

All the cars are named after AZ cities

Have all my friends together on this trip!!! It is Lisa, Dora, Kim and Me :)

Me with Dora and my friend Ariana

This is the car we all were in. Nice picture of me and Dora's family

Trying the local Oak Creek Brew.. yummy

My bartender!! See my shirt from my other train ride on Royal Gorge RR in CO

Beautiful Red Rock Canyon

OK, borrowed this picture too, but great picture of Verde River


Playing games

Friday, August 8, 2014

Last Day with Interns!!!

There were interns here for a couple months and unfortunately I was traveling to much and did not get to hang out with them much. Did have a fun photo session :-P

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Why the Chicken Really Crossed the Road

So I went to ask this chicken why it crossed the road...    

Found out there was Mountain Dew and candy on the other side!!! We overdid it though......

Now the chicken ponders.....

Life of a Gypsy in Dallas and at Work

Fun in Dallas

Hanging out in a tree getting back to my roots

Southern Methodist University- very pretty campus

Funny story here... stopped to smell the flowers and this little old lady with a cane walks by. She actually thought I was a real opossum and was scared of me!! How could anyone be scared of me?? =:)

Was able to visit a friend in the hospital and help cheer her up. So glad I passed inspection and they let me in!! Good to help boost her spirits :)

Fun at Work!!

Showing off my mad calculator skills!!

Wow that adds up fast

Styling in my new hat

Do not know what I am doing, but pretending real well...

Monday, May 12, 2014

Cinco De Mayo Fun

Work had a Sombrero Decorating contest and the team decorated the it with the "Most Interesting Man in the World"

He may be the "Most Interesting Man", but I am the "Most Interesting Opossum" =:)

Checking out the Ad he has

Trying to hide in someone's bag