Monday, September 30, 2013

Disneyland Trip

Gypsy Phone Home!!

Gotta eat breakfast to get some energy for Disneyland!!

Checking out the weather for a day the day at Disneyland

What the heck is this??

Waiting for the shuttle to Disneyland!!!

Don't eat me!!!

Awww Tarzan as a baby =:)

Guess who is steering the ship.....

I am at base came enjoying music

Yeah!! Time to find some pirates

Love the Halloween Decorations

Lunch time at the Blue Bayou. Humm what do I want to eat

Cool drink. Ice Cube lights up!!

Hello Mister Scarecrow

Look I am at the White House!! OK some day...

Trick or Treat!! I got a lot of candy cuz they love me :)

Look I have a star on Hollywood Blvd

My friend and I at my star

Santa Monica Pier

Hmm wonder where this could be??

Checking into another hotel

Alright so I had a little too much to drink last night

Do you see me??

Here I am :)

Trying to hide behind the sign so they do not eat me

Temple City Fire Dept

Hanging on ready for a call

Can you see me?

I think this is a good hiding spot

Getting ready to fly back to Phoenix

Sitting in the Captains chair!!!

Look at all these buttons and levers

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Practising Fire Walking

Took up a new hobby last weekend of trying out fire walking. After some burning a little too much hair decided not for me :)

Hot!!! Hot!!! Hot!!!

Fell over and made it even worse!!! So not doing this again

Monday, September 16, 2013

Halloween Time

Halloween last year.. I am the masked bandit in the corner

Dun Na Dun Na Going as shark this year. Thanks Button for the outfit =:)

BOO!!! See it is me and ready for trick or treating

Friday, September 13, 2013

Trip to Corporate World

Here are a few pictures from my trip to a company's Corporation. Was a really cool chance to see how aa company is run and all the great people that make it happen :) Met a lot of cool people and had some fun times.

Michele and I getting ready to go

She even shared her Starbucks with me :) Yummy..

"Sitting" in on a conference call

Checking out managers office. Shh answered a couple emails for them :)

Lunch time... Healthy eating is important

Got a chance to hang out after work and chat with new friends

Someone decided they were stronger than my tail. They were wrong!!

This is why my tail is so strong!! Working out is good for you

Taking some work out time on the treadmill