Thursday, November 21, 2013

Juicy Lucy and Me at Work

At work they have a Turkey Trot race where people put decorated plywood turkeys on ropes and race them. I was the inspiration for my team as we decided our turkey would play possum and dress in disguise as a possum =:) Should not be happy about the "eat more possum" and possum recipe, but it was all in fun and we had a good time.

Juicy Lucy.. WTF..... Very Disturbing

Me and Juicy Lucy and friends

Juicy Lucy Trotting to the finish line

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

So at work this week I was asked if I wanted to be the turkey this year. I thought sure they will just put me in another outfit. Wrong!!! But being a good sport I played along and played possum :)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

New Marine William Payne

Recently went to San Diego, CA to see my friend William Payne graduate from Marine boot camp to become a United States Marine!! Very cool to visit MCRD marine base to see William graduate.

Look out I am armed and dangerous!!

Fire in the hole....

Hmmm what pin should I get

This is William Payne's platoon

New Marine Payne and his girlfriend Carleen.

William and his brother Trevor

Marine Payne and his mother Kim

Sacred Parade Grounds. Nobody is to walk on it unless you are a Marine

Graduating Platoon 2123. William is in there somewhere

Thursday, October 10, 2013

October Birthday Party at Work

Celebrated Birthdays today and created workplace mischief....
New Co-worker... Not too lively

Another new Co-Worker

Dianne and I.. Who is cuter....

Visiting Denver division for a bit

Oct Birthday Party!!! I am in costume =:)

Cute Spider pops

Cool decorations now need more food... :)

Monday, September 30, 2013

Disneyland Trip

Gypsy Phone Home!!

Gotta eat breakfast to get some energy for Disneyland!!

Checking out the weather for a day the day at Disneyland

What the heck is this??

Waiting for the shuttle to Disneyland!!!

Don't eat me!!!

Awww Tarzan as a baby =:)

Guess who is steering the ship.....

I am at base came enjoying music

Yeah!! Time to find some pirates

Love the Halloween Decorations

Lunch time at the Blue Bayou. Humm what do I want to eat

Cool drink. Ice Cube lights up!!

Hello Mister Scarecrow

Look I am at the White House!! OK some day...

Trick or Treat!! I got a lot of candy cuz they love me :)

Look I have a star on Hollywood Blvd

My friend and I at my star

Santa Monica Pier

Hmm wonder where this could be??

Checking into another hotel

Alright so I had a little too much to drink last night

Do you see me??

Here I am :)

Trying to hide behind the sign so they do not eat me

Temple City Fire Dept

Hanging on ready for a call

Can you see me?

I think this is a good hiding spot

Getting ready to fly back to Phoenix

Sitting in the Captains chair!!!

Look at all these buttons and levers